
Weird News: Groucho vs. Elvis, Who's More Important?

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Groucho's Photographic Journey As we mark the anniversary of Groucho's death, his son, Arthur, is planning the release next month of Groucho: A Photographic Journey (Phoenix Marketing Services), a collection of vintage and previously unreleased photos, many of them taken by Arthur with the camera his dad bought him as a young boy.

"I ran around the house snapping pictures and my father didn't care," said Marx. "I don't think he expected that he'd be remembered the way he did, or quoted so often."

The coffee table book takes readers through a tour of the golden age of Hollywood, showing Groucho and his brothers at home and work, with candid shots of such luminaries as Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, Lucille Ball and Marilyn Monroe.

Marx collaborated on the book with Frank Ferrante, whom he cast about 15 years ago to star as his father in the Off-Broadway play Groucho: A Life in Review.

"One thing about Groucho, he didn't need to be loved," said Ferrante, who's appeared in revivals of Marx Brothers plays and has toured with his own Evening With Groucho show.

"He'd go on stage and say whatever it took to be funny. He never really showed a lot of love. But the audience showed a lot of love for him."

Elvis 'The Stubbed Toe' Presley Ironically, in the late 1950s, the president of the Elvis Presley Fan Club appeared on You Bet Your Life. True to form, Groucho was so unimpressed, he didn't think her club was worth talking about. Here's what happened:

Groucho: "Are you interested in matrimony?"

Fan Club President: "Indeed I am."

Groucho: "Do you have any other interests?"

Fan Club President: "You haven't mentioned Elvis Presley."

Groucho: "I seldom do, unless I stub my toe."

Needless to say, the Elvis Presley Fan Club never had Groucho Marx as a member.

Buck Wolf is entertainment producer at The Wolf Files is published Tuesdays. If you want to receive weekly notice when a new column is published, join the e-mail list.
