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May the Force (of Marketing) Be With You

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5. Got a Bad Case of 'Prequel-itis'? Call the Geek Squad

If you're a diehard fan, you might be scared that you'll have to miss work to attend the midnight premiere. But never fear, the geeks are here.

The Geek Squad — a band of 7,000 computer support specialists — has posted fail-safe instructions for skipping work on a day when absenteeism is expected to be especially high. More than 60,000 people have already downloaded these instructions, and we can assume some office supervisors are among them.

The Geek Squad is setting up docking bays outside select theaters so that malingering workers can check e-mail and pretend to be doing their jobs. The company is also offering "emergency computer staffing" for businesses expecting to be hit hard by the Dark Side.

6. Church to Jedi Fans: 'Join the Rebellion'

You don't have to be Luke Skywalker to set out on spiritual journey of untamed adventure. The Epic Church in Utica, Mich., is hoping to inspire congregants with a "Join the Rebellion" series of services this month, pegged to "Star Wars" fans.

"Luke Skywalker was pulled from an average insignificant life into one of risk, mystery and destiny," said Aaron Kazmierczak, a church spokesman. "Luke's life was transformed when he discovered his place in the story. Our mission at Epic Church is to challenge people to discover their role in God's epic story."

Church attendance shot up 50 percent when the "Star Wars" program started last week. It will culminate with services on Sunday, May 22, at a local theater, where people can see the noon showing of "Revenge of the Sith." Tickets to the screening are being sold at the May 15 services.

While Skywalker's life shouldn't be confused with the "Book of Luke," Epic Church aspires to help people discover God through music, video and performing arts "while enjoying a cup of Starbucks coffee," according to promotional material.

7. Imperial 'Stand-a-thon' Storm Troopers

Just in case you wanted to shout "Get a life!" to the Darth Vader look-alikes and mega-fans clad in white armor who have already been waiting in line for weeks, just remember that some folks are turning the worship of intergalactic science fiction into a charitable mission.

At the Ziegfeld, one of New York City's landmark theaters, about a dozen fans are engaged in a "Stand-a-thon," urging members to contribute to Starlight Starbright, a charity for severely ill children, for every hour they wait in line. About $33,000 was raised on similar lines in New York before "Star Wars" premieres in 1999 and 2002.

"We all know what it's like to go through this insanity," said Steve Lorenzo, a 39-year-old technical writer and Stand-a-thon veteran. Previous pre-premiere theater campouts produced long friendships, and even a few marriages, he said, while standing beside another fan adorned in the silvery uniform of bounty hunter Boba Fett.

"It's like a class or family reunion, even though it's not."

Another fan is turning a video game marathon into a fund-raiser for the Portland, Ore., Schools Foundation. Brandon Erickson, 25, will attempt to play the original "Star Wars" arcade game for 60 hours straight in the hours leading up to the premiere.

"If I complete this challenge, I hope George Lucas grants me the rank of Jedi Master," he said. "That will look great on my résumé."

Buck Wolf is entertainment producer at "The Wolf Files" is published Tuesdays.
