
Exercise Programs for Couch Potatoes

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To begin your toilet training: Sling your legs over the side of the tub and you're ready for stomach crunches. For upper body strength, do push-ups with your hands on the toilet seat and your feet perched on the tub.

For abs, sit on the commode, grasp the tank behind you and lift both knees to your chest repeatedly.

Huppert says he's showed his clients how to use kitchens, offices and dens as gyms. What makes a bathroom such a good place to work out? "Simple," he says. "They're easy to clean" 3. Shop Till You Drop:

Even the laziest American finds strength to shop, and that's why this country is destined to win gold medals in mall-walking, if this new sport ever becomes an Olympic event.

These days, some malls are now opening earlier to accommodate a new brand of shop-till-they-drop jocks.

"Walking is the easiest way to stay in shape, and a mall is a large area that's safe and temperature-controlled," says Andrew Flach, co-author of Walk the Weight Away (Healthy Living Books), an eight-week fitness plan that embraces mall walking as an exercise alternative.

Senior citizens are especially keen on using malls as free gyms, Flach says. At a pace of 3.5 miles per hour, you can burn about 120 calories in 30 minutes.

Of course, at that speed, you'll be limited to window shopping. Still, there's ample parking, a food court, and video games. 4. Image-Building Gyms: Here's the great exercise conundrum: If you don't like the way you look, you probably need to go to a gym. But if you go to the gym, every wall will be mirrored, and you'll be bombarded with sweaty reflections of your chubby self.

Now, a new breed of mirror-free health clubs that cater to non-beautiful people are springing up. Curves Health Clubs for women promises "no mirrors, no men and no wait."
