
Wolf Files: Sex and the Cell Phone

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You just might find that the love of your life is that stranger sitting right next to you at the bus stop — provided you both have cell phones. If you don't, there's always the low-tech approach. Say, "Hello."

Modern Romance

If you put your social life on hold while war raged in Iraq, now's the time to jump-start your love life. Perhaps these new dating services might help.

Hypnosis Therapy: Making bad choices? Maybe you just don't know what you want. Lydia Belton says she can help — by putting you under hypnosis and matching you up with the man or woman you truly desire.

Belton — a hypnotist and psychotherapist — is launching Date Therapy in New York this week to help the lovelorn clients "dig deep in themselves."

A $500 fee includes a hypnosis session and meetings with people who meet your inner needs.

"Just like many of us seek out the wrong careers, others seek the wrong qualities in a lover," says Belton. "You can use hypnosis to separate what you really want from what you think you want."

Unfortunately, if you're stuck in a bad relationship, you can't be hypnotized to love someone who's wrong for you. "Each of us has an inner moral code that you won't break," she says, "even under hypnosis."

Love Laundromat: If you've been waiting all your life for Prince Charming, you can be sure he'll show up when you're doing your laundry. That's why entertainer Christy Murphy has been staging comedy shows and matchmaking sessions at Lucy's Laundry Mart in L.A.'s trendy Silver Lake neighborhood.

"My sister met her fiancé at this Laundromat," she says. "I think lightning will strike here more than twice."

And if you're wary of nightmare dates, there's a built-in advantage to Laundromat Love — at the very least, you go home with clean clothes.

Reunion Dating: Remember the girl you were too cowardly to ask out back in high school? Want a second chance? — an online service with 10 million registered members — offers "Reunion Dating" — lists where you can find old friends and classmates who are still "available."
