
Wolf Files: Celebrity Phobias

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2.David Beckham: Ataxophobia

Talk about perfectionism: In David Beckham's closet, each shirt is filed according to its color. Each can of soda is lined up in his refrigerator like soldiers at attention. Beckham is sometimes described as an ataxophobic — a person who fears disorder.

"Everything has to match in the house," his wife, Victoria, formerly known as Posh Spice, told People magazine two years ago. "If there are three cans of diet Coke he'd throw one away rather than having three because it's uneven."

Beckham is a god on the football field. And in this case, cleanliness really is next to godliness.

At times, he's been known to pick out clothing that matches his furniture.

"He makes perfect arrangements out of things," said Ian Denyar, who directed a 2002 TV documentary on the football star. "The DVD player has to be parallel to the edge of the table." [Next: Johnny Depp]
